
 “Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold. For only as we ourselves, as adults, actually move and have our being in the state of love, can we appropriate models and guides for our children” ~Joseph Chilton Pearce

Welcome to EnergyMedzGlobal!

Energy Abounds! It is the Universal Building Block that has an operating system, natural self-organized pattern that serves as a template in shaping the growth of each one of us on all levels of our “Being-ness”. We ALL are part of the Universal-Source Intelligence that moves the stars, consciousness, the cells in our bodies and the natural world around us. WE ARE NATURE at the most intrinsic part of our Beings! There is a natural order that creates, cooperates and regenerates Life as we know it. How, depends on :

~ The way we think… “Energy follows thought”… what you place your attention on grows. Thoughts, Energy, Peace of Mind. “As a man thinketh, so is he”. World renowned Neuroscientist and mind-body medicine pioneer, Candace Pert, author of the Groundbreaking book, “Molecules of Emotion”, stated…”Mind isn’t over Matter, Mind BECOMES Matter! The body IS your Subconscious Mind! She describes, after decades of research, decoding the information molecules, “neuropeptides”, as manifesting vibrations, emotions and behaviors when accepted by their receptor sites, located on the cells of every tissue, organ, body part you have that regulates every aspect of human physiology, are coordinated in constant cross-talk by emotion. Emotions are a bridge that links the Spiritual to the material world. “When we feel, we heal”.

~ The way we move, there is a rhythm, a frequency that moves through us that has meaning and instigates purpose. In 1914 Chicago Dr. Randolph Stone, who was a lover of Nature and preferred natural methods and drugless therapy, received degrees in Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Naturopathy and answered the same questions with the Medical Graduates at the time and was granted an O.P.( Other Practitioners) License. He was an avid reader with an insatiable appetite for “The Great Mysteries” of life as he termed his devotion to his own research, and felt that each branch had something to offer but was not complete as it did not cover the complete constitution of being human. The subtle body of energies which animates the gross body was not represented, that’s how he developed his own “Polarity Therapy”. The Energy body blueprint precedes all tissue or nerve…how do you imagine phantom pain exists when a limb is lost? It’s in the field of the energetic blueprint! We have the ability to strengthen it! All it takes is making “relationship” to its governing principals as part of our core operating system and access vital information for balance & growth. The Energy Body begins it’s development in the embryonic stage as a toroidal, (donut shaped), fluid form and this same energetic process can be accessed for health & vitality as we move & live in our lives NOW! We are capable of regenerative health that benefits 100% of life…it is our birthright!

~ The way we show gratitude and LOVE, play an important role in what energy we attract and create action in our lives. Heart’s Intelligence of integrity & “worth-ship” expand our bioenergetic bodies and have a profound effect on everything we encounter that is living, inside & outside the body. The Heart’s Electromagnetic Field is your “Superpower”, that extends 3 feet and more, according to HeartMath Institutes research. This electromagnetic field carries emotional information into the environment, which can be detected by others. What if your field could be plumbed up, invigorated to help you achieve your life aims for yourself, your loved ones, your company, your Country and the World as a whole?

Energy Medicine are simple techniques that are the crowning jewels of “Regenerative Health”, some ancient, practiced for Millenia, and some Modern Evidence-based Research, that, in combination, are Life changing & actually FUN to do! Developing a Regenerative Practice for yourself and others can ground you in the natural rhythms of Nature. So when challenge happens, whatever severity level, you can be resilient to handle it with a flexible “Stress Response System” that works for you, (not against you), a compassionate Heart-field that charges ahead and the imagination to live in a world YOU make!

“Dehanna! A magic creator, a heart woman, a human you wanna spend time with. Her energy work is brilliant!”

Maria Olon Tsaroucha – Actor-Director-Founder of Perceptual Acting and Directing Theory and Method

 “There is a journey in deep healing with Dehanna. Her “guided Imagery” is the best that I have encountered.”

Dane Roubos, DC